21st Anniversary Post: The Decision Was Made. Everything changed.

It was 2019, and I was hopeful. I was #openforbusiness !


Super motivated!

I soon had my very first Women Portrait Session, and met the wonderful young woman in the portrait below.

She became my banner person.

My "Poster Girl".

I am utterly fond of these images and they represent a very significant turning point for me, and for my business.

And if you have ever been to my studio or has seen me on Zoom meetings, you will know she is always behind me.

She's got my back!

I then photographed another couple of sessions and made the decision which would, once again, be incredibly significant:

I booked in for my very first Women Only Networking with Woman Who.

It was mid-March 2020, and I booked a trade stand at the meeting, which was being held in my local golf club, so super convenient.

The stars were aligning, finally!

I attended the meeting and was proud to show my newly made images, as well as handing out my new promotional literature.

I even made a booking on the day, and had a lot of interest.

As I left the meeting, I was on cloud nine.

Until the next day:

Covid Pandemic & Lockdown.

God job I am a resilient sort…

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon


21st Anniversary Post: Lockdown Meant Networking Online, and Finding a Tribe!


21st Anniversary Post: Re-Educating, Re-Branding, & Going Back To Move Forward