21st Anniversary Post: The Client Who Made Me Cry!

I opened my mind and my business up to booking, primarily, female clients…

and sure enough soon my first portrait session was booked!

**For privacy reasons, this image is not from the photo shoot I am writing about, in this post.

In those days it was not called a "makeover".

That was something bigger studios, especially in London, were doing as far as I could tell, and my business was in its infancy so no such fancy-schmancy notions (yet!).

I offered a Portrait Photo Session, for which the client did her own make up and brought along her favourite outfits.

My posing skills were also in their infancy, though I was by no means embarrassing myself!

Finally, the day arrived for my first "proper" client booking & photo shoot.

I will never forget this young woman, for many reasons: In her mid-twenties, quite shy and unassuming.

I photographed her session, doing my very best, and once we were done she seemed happy with the way everything had gone - and so was I!

Move forward a couple of weeks and I asked her back for her Portrait Reveal.

In those days I had a projector and a proper screen - It was all very impressive, and massive!!!

She sat, very quietly, through the viewing and I was genuinely worried at her silence: I was certain that I'd failed miserably, with my very first client!

But at the end of the viewing she ordered a number of prints, and I thought "Ok, so maybe I have not failed, completely!"

The day arrived for her to collect her order, and it is a day I will never forget…

We sat down at my kitchen for a cup of coffee, as she looked at the prints, and then she said it:

"I want to thank you. I used to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and hate myself.

I felt ugly and worthless.

Since seeing these photos I do not feel like that anymore, and I even plucked up the courage to get back in touch with my dad who I have not seen for years."

I was lost for words at this sincere sharing of emotions, and as she left I sat at my kitchen table, put my heads on my hands, and cried.

Tears of my own emotion, joy, and gratitude.

Until that point I had been lost in many doubts about how I could possibly make anyone's life better with what I do as, after all, that was the whole reason behind this career change.

In one short conversation that young woman answered that question, and I KNEW I would never doubt again or look back.

I am very proud to have, since then, been told by many female clients that their photo shoot experience had an equally positive effect in their lives.

What else can I ask for, as a professional?

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon


21st Anniversary Post: Where have all these kids come from?


21st Anniversary Post: Forget Gigs And Sport Photography!